The Morwenna went back in the water in early July after spending the last ten years in Guip Shipyard. Built in 1914 from plans by Linton Hope, the 55-foot gaff-rigged schooner underwent an extensive rebuild which required considerable historical research. We were able to retain her teak planking, part of the rigging and some of the main structural elements such as the sternpost, the keel and the stem. Guip shipwrights replaced the frames and re-laid the deck. All the onboard systems were relocated to the Morwenna’s after hold. Placing the engine athwartship saved space and this allowed us to install a galley, a chart table and two extra bunks. Using some of the original American mahogany parts as a starting point, cabinet-makers undertook the complete renovation of the vessel’s interior. The saloon table incorporates a rocker system to keep it level when the vessel is under sail. Access to the after-peak includes a bespoke foldaway ladder. The deck is made from Douglas fir and the panelling is American or African mahogany. “She’s probably one of the best restorations we’ve done so far,” says Yann Mauffret, director of Guip Shipyard. In private ownership, the schooner is currently en route for Antibes, her future home port on France’s Mediterranean shore.

Guip Shipyard has started building the hull of floating wash-house the Saint-Julien, a registered historic vessel dating from 1904. The project was initiated by the vessel’s owner, the town of Laval in north-west France, and a workspace more than 100 feet long and 20 feet wide has been set up at the heart of the shipyard. Our shipwrights are currently building the 90-foot hull from oak, which will be double-planked and doped with tar. At the same time the Colas joinery company, based in Laval, has been sub-contracted by Guip Shipyard to restore the superstructure of the wash-house. The hull will be ready for mid-September and carried by road to Laval where the superstructure will be fitted. Thereafter, the Saint-Julien will be moored on the river Mayenne and opened to the public as a floating exhibition.

Withdrawn from service for several months to undergo an extensive refit, the yawl Mutin went back in the water on 29 May. Built in 1926, she is the oldest sailing vessel belonging to the Marine nationale, France’s military navy. Guip Shipyard changed the sternpost and some of the after frames and bottom planking. We also made a new mizzen mast from Douglas fir and replaced the main masthead. Similarly, a new Volvo engine was fitted and some of the onboard systems were replaced, in collaboration with the Navtis company.

Runa VI spent last winter in Guip Shipyard and was relaunched in early May in readiness for Morbihan Week. It was her first time in the waters of the Morbihan and she received an enthusiastic welcome from yachting connoisseurs before heading off to the Mediterranean in time for another regatta, the Porquerolles Classique. “She’s a powerful boat because she carries a lot of sail, but she’s nicely balanced and a joy to steer,” says Louis Mauffret of Guip Shipyard. Built in 1926 from plans by the Danish architect Rønne, this 40-foot gaff cutter was carefully restored by Guip Shipyard in collaboration with the naval architect François Chevalier and the historian Jacques Tagland. Two years ago the same team undertook the complete rebuild of Runa IV.

Ushant’s former lifeboat, the François Morin, is a registered historic vessel and operated by an association. Built in 1960, she was brought into Guip Shipyard after scraping a rock which caused some damage to her starboard side. In addition to repairing the damage, our shipwrights will also carry out some restoration works that had been planned prior to the scrape: the ballast keel and the skeg have been removed and will either be replaced or restored, depending on their condition. In a few weeks’ time the works will have been completed and the François Morin will be back in her home waters around Ushant.

At the beginning of the summer Guip Shipyard on Île aux Moines launched the Fulmar Misterioso, a small clinker sailing boat designed by the Scottish architect Iain Oughtred. This prototype was built for a private owner who wanted a pretty boat for solo day sailing. Fulmars are half-decked, 16′ 8″ long, have a 5′ 10″ beam and weigh 390 lbs. They are common boats in English-speaking countries but Misterioso is the first of the series to be built in France. Our team on Île aux Moines is proud to present this new addition to their catalogue which will also be available in various stages of construction for owners